Saturday, April 3, 2010

Alice Academy Info ~♥~

Alice Academy has 3 divisions. Correct me if I'm wrong. There's the Elementary Division, the Middle School Division, and the High School Division. In these there are different classes for different years. Mikan, Yuu, Natsume, and all the other ten year olds on the character posts are in elementary division. Misaki and Tsubasa are in the middle school division. Persona is a teacher.
There are 5 different types of alice classes. There's the latent type, the technical type, the special ability type, somatic type, and the dangerous ability type. Latent: Yuu Tobita, Technical: Hotaru, Special Ability: Mikan, Tsubasa, and Misaki, Somatic: Ruka, and Dangerous Ability: Luna and Natsume
There are different alice "shapes." This is where it tells you really how long and what the alice does to you. There's the Childhood alice shape, where you only have your alice while you are a kid. It disappears when you're an adult. There's also the Diffuse where you have your alice forever except its powers are low. The Intermittent where your alice's life span is low but it comes at a high rate in power. Then there's the fourth and final type. This one's the worst: Limitless. This type of alice is high limitless power except it shortens the life span of the user.
There's also star ranking in this school. There's no-star, single, double, triple, and special.
Mikan is no-star, I think Misaki and Tsubasa are singles but I'm not sure, and then Yuu, Ruka, and Hotaru are triples, while Natsume is a special. I don't know what Luna is...
Well there's some info ^_^ Angel~♥~Tears

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